This easy to do recipe takes all your diet restrictions into account and will leave your mouth watering for more.
It’s low fat, lean and extremely delicious. Perfect for a night-time after dinner snack to satisfy your craving.
- 2 cups of fat free Plain Greek yogurt.
- 1 cup of unsweetened Almond Milk.
- 1 cup reduced-fat Cream Cheese.
- 4 scoops NPL Micellar Casein Vanilla Custard flavour.
- ½ Lemon sliced and juiced.
- Spatula
- Large baking pan
- Knife
- Mix everything together to create a thick and creamy batter. Thanks to the Micellar Casein’s texture you’ll notice it’s extra smooth and creamy.
- Line a small baking dish with parchment paper and grease it.
- Transfer the mixture to the lined baking pan and press it down firmly into an even layer. Heat the oven to 200-220 degrees Celsius and when ready bake it for 25-30 minutes.
- Remove the pan and let it cool. Then using a knife, slice into evenly sized bars. Allow them to cool down. Then put them in the fridge for 7 hours to firm up. You’ll see it really takes decent shape by now.
- After the 7 hours remove them from the fridge and if you like to wrap them in jiffy bags or some tinfoil to keep them fresh. They’re perfect for a night time snack or an on-the-go protein bar snack when needed.
A Special Thanks to the team at NPL for this awesome recipe! Give it a try and let us know what you think?